Lake Hope

Distance: 4.5 - 5.9 miles (round trip)

Uncompahgre National Forest, near Telluride in Southwest Colorado

View of Lake Hope

View of Lake Hope


This popular hike to a high alpine lake surround by 13,000-ft. peaks offers panoramic views of the Wilson Range and the high peaks in the Lizard Head Wilderness along the way.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 4.5 miles (round trip) to Lake Hope
    5.9 miles (round trip) to Unnamed Pass above Lake Hope
  • Elevation: 10,750-ft. at Trailhead
    11,880-ft. at Lake Hope
    12,445-ft. at Unnamed Pass above Lake Hope
  • Elevation Gain: 1,130-ft. to Lake Hope
    1,695-ft. to Unnamed Pass above Lake Hope
  • Difficulty: moderate
  • More Hikes in:
    Telluride / Southwest Colorado

Why Hike Lake Hope

The red, rust and purplish-gray colors of Vermilion Peak form the backdrop for brilliant green meadows filled with a spectacular display of wildflowers. In the distance the 14er’s of the Wilson Range and the distinctive spire of Lizard Head Peak fills the western skyline. These views and others, both near and far, are the reason to hike to Lake Hope and the unnamed pass above this pretty glacial lake.

This moderately-easy hike is deservedly popular, so you won’t be alone. Get an early start and pick a weekday to avoid the crowds. You won’t be sorry.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile of Lake Hope and Unnamed Pass

Best Hiking in Southwest Colorado around Ouray, Telluride and Silverton

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Trail Resources

Trail Detail/Full Description / Trail Photo Gallery / Trail Map

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Region Information:
Southwest Colorado

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