Hannig to Saas Fee (Gemsweg Part 1)

Distance: 4.0 miles (one way)

near Saas Fee in Valais

View from Hannig

View from Hannig


Few trails in the Saas Fee area feature the scenic bang for the miles hiked as the Gemsweg (Chamois Path) from Hannig to Saas Fee. A glacial lake, glistening waterfalls and ever changing views of the high peaks towering above Saas Fee are just a few of the highlights along this delightful trail.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 4.0 miles (one way)
  • Elevation: 7,684-ft. at Trailhead
    Maximum elevation: 5,880-ft.
  • Elevation Gain: -1,804-ft.
  • Difficulty: moderate
  • More Hikes in:
    Saas Fee / Valais

Why Hike Hannig to Saas Fee (Gemsweg Part 1)

This short hike features birds-eye-views of the stunning glacial cirque surrounding Saas Fee and the peaks towering above the east side of the Saas Valley. Starting in Hannig, reach by a gondola from Saas Fee, the trail curves around the west and south slopes above Saas Fee, traveling through meadows dotted with wildflowers, crossing glacial streams and then dropping to a glacial lake below a pretty waterfall.

Every step of the way is filled with captivating views. Numerous spots along the trail beckon hikers to take a break and soak in the scene. This is the perfect half day walk.

The trail, when combined with the Plattjen hike, forms the Gemsweg (Chamois Path), a 5.6 mile trail following a 180-degree arc around the lower slopes of the cirque surrounding Saas Fee. From the glacial lake the second half of the hike travels by waterfalls and crosses the Fee-Vispa River before climbing steeply through larches, low shrubs and then meadows to Plattjen, where a gondola descends to Saas Fee. Hikers are rewarded for their efforts with great views of the Mischabel Range and the Saas Fee glacial cirque.

Alternatively, take the gondola to Hannig and start your day with a round-trip hike visiting two lofty overlooks, Mellig and Gibidum, with stunning panoramic views. Upon returning to Hannig, take the Gemsweg to the glacier lake and then back to Saas Fee for a 7.6 mile day.

However you incorporate the trail into your itinerary, you will have a wonderful day.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile - Hannig to Saas Fee

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