Redwood Canyon Loop

Distance: 7.0 - 9.6 miles (loop)

Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, near Lodgepole in California's Southwestern Sierra

Giant sequoias along the Hart Trail

Giant sequoias along the Hart Trail


Leave the crowds behind and enjoy a peaceful hike through one of Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park’s largest sequoia groves.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 7.3 miles (loop) to Hart / Redwood Creek Loop
    9.6 miles (loop) to Sugar Bowl Trail
  • Elevation: 6,220-ft. at Trailhead
    6,414-ft. at Hart / Redwood Creek Loop
    6,950-ft. at Sugar Bowl Trail
  • Elevation Gain: 919-ft. to Hart / Redwood Creek Loop
    1,455-ft. to Sugar Bowl Trail
  • Difficulty: moderate
  • More Hikes in:
    Lodgepole / California's Southwestern Sierra

Why Hike Redwood Canyon Loop

The trails of the Redwood Mountain Grove offer hikers the opportunity to visit one of the largest sequoia groves in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park in relative solitude. While hordes of tourists crowd the trails of nearby Grant Grove and Giant Forest, few make the two mile drive down the dirt road to this near pristine grove set amid a mixed conifer forest.

In my opinion the Hart / Redwood Creek Loop offers the best option for seeing the grove’s amazing giants. All shapes and sized of these magnificent trees are your constant companions along much of the peaceful trail.

The loop traverses the grove on easy to moderate grades, ascending a hillside beneath Buena Vista Peak and then descending to Redwood Creek. The return leg of the loop climbs beside pretty Redwood Creek back to the trailhead. Along the way the trail visits the Hart Tree, the 24th largest sequoia in the world, walks through the Tunnel Tree, passes the Fallen Goliath, crosses streams lined with wildflower and wanders by lovely meadows.

Hikers looking for a longer day can return to the trailhead via the Sugar Bowl Trail instead of Redwood Creek. The Sugar Bowl trail climbs to the crest of Redwood Mountain, enjoying nice views of Big Baldy and Buena Vista Peak, before descending along a ridge back to the parking area.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile Redwood Canyon Loop

Trail Resources

Trail Detail/Full Description / Trail Photo Gallery / Trail Map

Basecamp(s) Information:

Region Information:
California's Southwestern Sierra

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