Frigid Air and Hasley Pass Loop

Distance: 9.6 miles (loop)

Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness, White River National Forest, near Crested Butte in Central Colorado

Close-up of Snowmass Mountain and Hagerman Peak from the Hasley Basin overlook

Close-up of Snowmass Mountain and Hagerman Peak from the Hasley Basin overlook


This great loop hike travels up wildflower-filled meadows to two scenic passes with stunning views of the high peaks of the Elk Mountains including the Maroon Bells, Snowmass Mountain and Hagerman Peak. Route finding and off-trail travel is required to complete the loop.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 9.6 miles (round trip) to Frigid Air Pass
    9.6 miles (loop) to Hasley Pass Loop
    8.8 miles (loop) to Hasley Overlook Loop
  • Elevation: 10,420-ft. at Trailhead
    12,415-ft. at Frigid Air Pass
    12,150-ft. at Hasley Pass Loop
    12,110-ft. at Hasley Overlook Loop
  • Elevation Gain: 1,995-ft. to Frigid Air Pass
    2,095-ft. to Hasley Pass Loop
    2,030-ft. to Hasley Overlook Loop
  • Difficulty: strenuous
  • More Hikes in:
    Crested Butte / Central Colorado

Why Hike Frigid Air and Hasley Pass Loop

Hikers comfortable with route finding will enjoy this hike that visits two scenic passes, Frigid Air and Hasley, with stunning views of the high peaks of the Elk Mountains. The hike starts with a beautiful walk up the East Fork valley through meadows adorn with an amazing display of wildflowers during late July and early August. Along the way enjoy fine views of Mt. Bellview (12,519-ft.), Treasure Mountain (13,462-ft.) and Galena Mountain (12,580-ft.).

At the head of the valley an ascending traverse through beautiful meadows with more great views leads to a bowl beneath Peak 12648 where the trail splits. A short, steep signed trail to the right leads to Frigid Air Pass (12,415-ft.) with stunning views of Maroon Bells towering above the emerald green meadows of Fravert Basin. Snowmass Mountain (14,092-ft.) and Hagerman Peak (13,841-ft.) dominate the view to the southwest.

After visiting Frigid Air Pass return to the junction and follow the unmarked trail to the Hasley Basin Overlook. From the overlook Snowmass Mountain, Hagerman Peak and the summits rising above the Geneva Lake basin fill the skyline to the north. Below you are the beautiful green meadow of Hasley Basin.

The overlook marks the beginning of an off-trail route that traverses the head of Hasley Basin to Hasley Pass (12,110-ft.). The pass boasts panoramic views stretching from Snowmass Mountain and Hagerman Peak in the north to the peaks along the Ruby Range to the south. Belleview Mountain (13,233-ft.) and West Maroon Pass (12,500-ft.) dominate the view to the southeast.

From Hasley Pass a trail, sometimes difficult to follow, descends steeply through meadows to the East Fork trail, two miles from the trailhead.

The routes to Hasley Pass should only be attempted by hikers with route finding experience and comfortable with off-trail hiking. A good map is essential to stay on track.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile - Frigid Air and Hasley Pass

Best Hiking in Central Colorado around Aspen, Marble, Leadville, Buena Vista and Crested Butte

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